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Camp Jened
Tequila and snow a killer mix

This story started 10 months ago with a cardgame tournament.

      10 months ago David and myself entered a card tournament, just something to pass the time once a week in a nearby pub! Every monday night we went there to play cards. The final was supposed to be scheduled before my departure to the US, but things turned out differently. The final was moved to 2 weeks earlier so I couldn't play it. David has a sister who plays the game as well so she took my place and this was when the trouble really started. They lost the final but still won a price! This amazing prize was a bottle of Tequila (hence the title)

        We agreed that we actually won this bottle together so we should finish it together as we all put effort into it! Well on Februari 25th 2004 (9 months after the final) we finally found the time and place to have a party. We invited one of our friends (Steven) so we could play a game of cards and drink the tequila at the same time.

after a few shots we started to really like eachother ;)

Steven is taking a hit.

Sara and her hit.

    After the first bottle was finished and we were well into the 2nd bottle we decided to go and take a breather and make that snowman we wanted to bring to life.

What the hell happened there??

David is nice, he's just hugging.

    We were quite proud though, we made a snowman! We felt 12 years old again and had loads of fun.

Woohoo a snowman! We Rock.

Steven and myself before the first shot of tequila (even though it looks like we had a few)

David before his first shot (looks like he had a few as well!!)

     We played for a couple of hours and naturally got a little drunk (or tipsy as some might say) when we realised that it was massivly snowing outside. We decided then and there that we wanted to build a snowman and maybe make a few snowangels. But first we took a couple more shots!

David is taking a hit.

Me and my hit. (david wasn't able to take a good pic anymore)

Sara made the base for our beloved snowman

    After we finished our little man Steven decided he needed to be violated.........
and so we did!!!

That's not nice!

I'm just showing him where we are going next.

Tequila is heavy shit, oh yeah and by the way! I deny everything, I don't even own a camera.